2012 Challenge

Objective: The Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012 hopes to help counteract gender bias in literary reviewing by actively promoting the reading and reviewing of a wide range of contemporary Australian women’s writing.

The challenge will continue in 2013 on a new website, supported by a team of book bloggers. The draft website can be viewed here and people can sign up for next year's challenge here.

2012 Challenge period:  January 2012 -  December 2012

Goal: Read and review books written by Australian women writers throughout 2012, the National Year of Reading – hard copies, ebooks and audiobooks, new, borrowed or stumbled upon by book-crossing.

Challenge levels: 
  • Stella (read 3 and review at least 2 books)
  • Miles (read 6 and review at least 3)*
  • Franklin-fantastic (read 10 and review at least 4 books)*
* Should include at least one substantial length review 

Genre challenges: 
Purist: one genre only
Dabbler: more than one genre
Devoted eclectic: as many genres as you can read

1. How to Join. Declare yourself in by adding a comment below.You can see who else has signed up to the challenge here.

2. Enter the link to your review in the "Link your review" Google form below.
You can see your review along with the other reviews written for the challenge here

Selected reviews of literary works and classics can be found here. We hope to have a more comprehensive list on the new website in the New Year.

Once you've met your challenge...

3. Finished?
Enter your name in the "Completed Challenge 2012" Google form.You can see who else has completed the challenge here.

Australian Women Writers Challenge on GoodReads: If you don't have a blog but would like to participate and post reviews, you might consider joining the challenge group on GoodReads.

Twitter: Follow @auswomenwriters and post links to your reviews using the #AWW2012 hashtag

Have fun! 


  1. WInk girls commit to 12 books and reviews in 2012.

  2. Committing to being a Franklin-fantastic Dabbler (at minimum). Already have a nice long list. Looking forward to Jan 1, 2012

  3. I'll commit to being a Miles Dabbler at the moment...it could change:)

  4. I've reviewed 9 books on my author blog this year so far, all by Australian authors, 7 of them women, 7 in the crime genre. I guess this makes me a Franklin-fantastic Dabbler. My own writing deadlines may prevent me from posting so many reviews in 2012, but I'm definitely up for at least one substantial guest author review.

  5. A great springboard to catch up on some neglected titles!

  6. Angela Savage is a high achieving Franklin-fantastic blogging reviewer - me, not so much.

    Great initiative Elizabeth. Australian women writers thank you.

  7. Great to see so many signing on, thank you all.

    For authors, one review outside your genre would be wonderful. Let me know when it's done, via this page (the second box) or via email, and I'll feature it here on the AWW blog. Anything more you manage throughout the year will be a definite bonus. We want you busy writing more books! :)

    @P.M.Newton, thank you! Especially for being among the first to spread the word.

  8. I have signed up for the Franklin-fantasic. Rather ambitious of me but what is a challenge without optimism?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Signing up for the 'Devoted Eclectic' and the 'Miles' level. If I manage to read more that'll be a bonus. Writing deadlines interfering with my reading lately!

  11. Think this is a great idea - looking for ideas and encouragement to read beyond my usual genres. I'm an author, so I'd love to have the guest reviewer button. I'll put a post on my website next week.

  12. I'm signing up for the Stella challenge.

  13. I've been more conscious of trying to read Australian novels, but this is a great concept. Support the Australian female writers!

  14. Ok, I'm going to try this! Great idea :)

  15. Franklin-Fantastic for me! I've done a fairly good job reading women writers this year, and a reasonable job at reading Australian women writers, but there's huge room for improvement.

    (Stephanie @ Read in a Single Sitting)

  16. I'm in when I can get a post up. I'll read as many as I can beg borrow or steal. :)

  17. Great idea! Starting with the Stella challenge, but we'll see how the year goes and I might be able to bump it up... !

  18. Can we add the badge to our blog? I would love to participate. Some of mine will be re-reads, but I hope to source some new ones.

  19. I am going to try to read on SF books at the Miles level. Tricky because there isn't a plethora of them. Looking forward to it!

  20. Going for Franklin-fantastic!

  21. Great to see so many signing on. I hope, if you're an published writer, you'll put "author" next to your name.

    Can't wait to see all your reviews.

  22. Deciding which challenge...mmm

  23. Dear Australian Women Writers,
    What a wonderful challenge. Count me in for Franklin-tastic. I hope to review and interview more Australian women writers this year than ever. My latest is with Aussie crime author Alex Palmer: http://www.13thstreetuniversal.com.au/book-club#conversation I highly recommend her work.
    Happy reading,

  24. A great encouragement to read more Australian women, and to return to my neglected typewritten blog. I'll sign up as a Stella Dabbler, and perhaps my toddler will allow me to upgrade..

  25. I'm joining in! And ambitiously: I'm going for Franklin-fantastic Dabbler status.

  26. Signing up for Franklin-fantastic! Thanks Australian Women Writers for this brilliant initiative.

  27. I am looking forward to this!

  28. NOTE! I mistakenly pressed enter before typing the last letter of my name (#78 "Adair Jone" should be "Adair Jones"). I re-entered correctly as #79. Is it possible for you to correct and delete the extra entry? Sorry for the trouble...

  29. Aiming for Franklin-fantastic as a Dabbler (mostly crime + romance, I think...). @tseenkhoo

    Thanks, Elizabeth, for the organising-fu! :)

  30. I am challenging myself to complete the Miles level with hopefully an eclectic selection of books.

  31. This is such a BRILLIANT idea! All signed up :)

  32. From Alison Stuart (author)

    Being a painfully slow reader these days (two pages of an evening and then I'm out like a light), I am aiming only to be Stella.

    Would like to offer copies of my own ebooks free in to anyone who has signed up to join the challenge and fancies a little historical with romance set in the English Civil War. Just email me at alison@alisonstuart.com

  33. Forgot to put "author" after my name! But I won't forget to review!

  34. Forgot to put "author" after my name, but I won't forget to review some books!

  35. I'm aiming for Franklin Fantastic. Can't wait to start reading!

  36. Franklin-fantastic... big reader, already a reviewer. What's a few more books hurt? And supporting Aussie writer?! Yes, please!

  37. Franklin-fantastic... big reader, already a reviewer. What's a few more books hurt? And supporting Aussie writer?! Yes, please!

  38. This is a great concept. I've been meaning to read more Australian work and definitely all about supporting women writers! I'll aim for the Stella level - anything more than that will be a happy bonus. :)

  39. I'm a dabbler at the Stella level. Looking forward to sharing!!

  40. Just signed up! It's a great initiative.

  41. Oops, I forgot that (author) part. Never mind. I'm on the list.
    Good on you for organising it.

  42. Looking forward to reading with you

  43. Just in time for New Year. All my other resolutions were looking so tired and worn out.

  44. Apologies, everyone, for the delay in responding. I didn't realise I had so many comments set to "awaiting moderation". (Will have to tweak the settings!)

    Welcome everyone to the challenge. For those of you who have mistakenly entered twice, don't worry (I *have* been keeping an eye on that). To authors who haven't put "author" next to your name, if you've provided a link to your site, we'll work out who you are (or I could delete you and you could reenter, if you prefer).

    For authors who are planning to review a book outside your genre as a "guest author" for the blog, I've put a link to the page for Bookdout's a special "author badge".

    For anyone signing up for the whole reading and reviewing challenge, if you haven't done so already , you might like to cut and paste the challenge badge (the silhouette of Miles Franklin) to the sidebar of your blog and provide a link back to this page. That way word will spread.

    If you're on Twitter, please use the hashtag #aww2012 for any challenge related comments.

    Thanks everyone for your support and enthusiasm. Happy reading for 2012!

  45. Well, I've signed up and now all I have to do is get through that tbr pile *sigh* it always seems so tall

  46. Excellent initiative - anything that provides an excuse to spend more time reading gets my vote. Purist (speculative fiction) and the Miles level for me (with a secret fond hope that I'll magically find more reading time and actually achieve the Franklin-fantastic!)

  47. Just linked up and will be sharing on my blog! Can't wait to sink my teeth into the first book!

  48. I'll commit to being a Franklin-fantastic dabbler. Looking forward to being involved.

  49. This is a wonderful idea. I'm a first-timer signing up as a Franklin-fantastic devotee and aiming for one review per month. Fingers crossed I can maintain this enthusiasm throughout 2012!

  50. Hello!

    I'll be a Stella - the first 2 book reviews on my blog in 2012 will be by Australian female writers (one brand spankin' new, and one from the past...)

    Looking forward to it!

  51. With 6 books already in my reading stash and three on my must-get list, I'm up for Franklin-fantastic as a dabbler (crime, fantasy and SF so far). I'll be keeping an eye out for new and old writers, new and old books and new genres as well.

  52. I'm going to try for a devoted eclectic Franklin-fantastic. Always good to aim high!

  53. I expect to be Franklin-fantastic, simply because I already expect to be reviewing one to two books a week, of which I am sure there will be lots of Australian women!

  54. I've signed up to be Frankling Fantastic - looking forward to the challenge

  55. I'll be a devoted-eclectic (that's what I am anyways!) Franklin-tastic goer. Why not?!

  56. For a readaholic, this opportunity is a gift. Look forward to writing about some of my female author reading. Some may be audio books too, since I listen while driving.

  57. I'm in for Devoted eclectic + Franklin-fantastic

  58. This is such a great idea!

    So, another devoted eclectic Franklin-fantastic here - plus some extra dimensions to the challenge. I've posted more detail on my blog, for anyone who is interested.

  59. Elizabeth, I think this is a great initiative! It's spurred me to move quite a few Aussie women writers who've been on my TBR list to the top of the teetering pile:) Thanks also for giving an opportunity to authors to be guest reviewers.

  60. Thank you Elizabeth for your tireless work here - it is very much appreciated

  61. I am going to take the Franklin-fantastic Challenge and read 10 books in 2012 by a female author with at least 4 of them by Australian writer and I will review all 10 of them.I know I am going to discover some great new books and great new authors and I am also excited to see how it affects some of my reading pile decisions throughout the year. I may even read more than 10!

  62. Great initiative. I'm up for the Franklin-fantastic challenge as a Gothic purist.

  63. Seeing I read 11 books by Australian women writers in 2011 (out of the total of 70 I read) in 2012 my goal is to read 20 books by Australian women writers and review at least half of them on goodreads. Easy peasy!

  64. So excited to be taking this challenge! I'm easing in at the Dabbler/Stella level.

  65. Looking forward to participating - I'll just start at Dabbler/Stella and see how I go.

  66. That's odd. I placed my review in the review links in the correct format Book Name and Author, but I don't recall entering the same information in the completed section. Hmm

  67. Is Mr Linky playing up? I posted a link to my review and for some reason it also entered it onto the completed link list :-P

  68. Frankin Fantastic Dabbler here!

    I read 18 books by Australian Women Authors in 2011 (out of the 137 books I read) so I hope to better that! (will review on goodreads and possibly at Hoydens About Town)

  69. I'm up for the challenge, going for a dabbler at the Stella level but hoping to read enough and make the Miles!

  70. I am also up for the challenge. I have posted the link on my blog but don't know how to get the button thing. Web pages are still very new to me. Also very new to the online community of writers and readers. Aspiring writer here sorry :).

    I am aiming for six books of various genres but will likely do more.

  71. I'd love to join this since I have 2 Kate Grenvilles on 2012 reading list (1 fiction, 1 NF). Can someone suggest one more book (of a different genre than The Secret River but not paranormal, horror, fantasy, dystopian etc). Mystery would be great, as long as The secret River is not one.I have read all of Geraldine Brooks' fiction, as well as The Spare Room by Helen Garner.

    I guess you can see I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to Australian women authors so this challenge will be enlightening for me!

    I greatly appreciate any help. :-)

  72. Such a great idea!
    I'm shooting for a Stella at this stage.
    Definitely reading the Marieke Hardy memoir, Melbourne by Sophie Cunningham and contemplating one of these debutantes: Margaret Stedman's The Light Between Oceans (Random House, April) and Hannah Richell's Secrets of the Tides (Hachette Australia.
    Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/on-your-bookmarks--20111229-1pdu9.html#ixzz1iLZrgHgb

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Thanks everyone for signing up.

    The Mr Linky Widgets should work now.

    Great to see reviews posted in a format that makes it easy for others to follow:

    Title by Author (rev by Your Name &/or genre of book being reviewed).

  75. Ran into a bit of trouble trying to link to this page in the blog post, although it links fine when attached to the logo inserted into the post. Wondering what I did wrong. Anyway, my plan is to get started in about a week. Looking forward to these books. - Fay

  76. @Debbie I've emailed you with some suggestions which I hope might be available internationally.

    @Readramble, when I clicked on your blog badge it just went to the jpg. Don't know what the problem is!

    Everyone else, if you're on Twitter, perhaps you could ping @auswomenwriters when you post a review so your link can be retweeted.

    Thanks all for showing such enthusiasm and spreading the word.

  77. Signed up and posted a review. Good job all!

  78. I am going to attempt the DINKY-DI Challenge from the 2010 Aussie Author Challenge, reading only female authors! I sometimes tweet about books @glendagregory

  79. I started a new blog with some friends just so I can participate!

  80. I'm in for a Franklin-fantastic, I may even challenge myself to read some non-YA!

  81. @miffy Thanks for posting your review so quickly.

    @Glenda I'm combining this with the Aussie Author Challenge too.

    @VeganYANerds An excellent list of YA books from 2011 can be found on YA/Kids tab above (compiled by ReadMeBookmarkMeLoveMe blog).

    @Aimee If you do switch genres, I'll be interested to read how you find the transition. :)

    Happy reading!

  82. Our shop has signed on! I think we can knock it out of the park!

  83. Excellent Idea! I'm in... Dabbler, Casual: Miles

  84. I'm so delighted to be joining in with this! Taking on Purist: Casual - Miles

  85. Signed on... now for the next part - reading reading and reviewing!

  86. I've made a start but I haven't done a very good job with the linking. Goodreads reviews seem to load up without a book title, which isn't very helpful. Some great review already posted. 2012 will be a great reading year.

  87. Great to see a supportive bookshop like Shearers sign on for the challenge. Welcome also Kirsten Transcendancing and Aknightwriter.

    JudiJ, Mr Linky doesn't allow for customised instructions, but there's a workaround. Put "Title by Author (rev by Your Name)" where it asks for your name, then add the link in the next. (I can delete your old one.) And I agree, it's going to be a great reading year!

  88. Review number 1 up at The Cheese Sandwich Follies www.cheesesandwichfollies.blogspot.com - the YA novel Burnt Snow by Van Badham. A pleasure to read & review. Now - next!!

  89. Okay. Lesson learned. Next time I link a review I have to fill in the name bit with the story and author's name, not mine. Doofus.

    Writing my first AWW12 review was fun. Now I'm reading for the next one :)

  90. :) Don't worry, Jenny, most have done what you did.

    If you enter it correctly now, I'll delete your name after (saves me having to enter it for you manually, which I did for early ones).

    Glad you're enjoying the challenge!

  91. As an Aussie writer, I'm so glad to have discovered this!

    Just signed up, my blog post will go live in the morning, and I'll tout on Twitter, FB and Goodreads.

    Looking forward to it!

  92. Woohoo! Just posted my first review for the Challenge, and loved both reading and reviewing Claire Corbett's 'When We Have Wings'.

  93. @ Nicola and Nikki - great to see more Australian Writers signing up for the challenge. Good luck, Nikki. I know how busy you are.

    Cat - I've re-entered your link. (For your next review, where it says "Your name", put "Title by Author (genre; rev. by Your name"). I wish Mr Linky could be customised!!

    Great to see so many reviews. :)

  94. Signed up as Franklin-fantastic dabbler. Now to choose the first.

  95. I have little experience of the world of Australian literature, so this will be a completely new challenge for me. I hope to read at least three books for the challenge, and I am already looking forward to my first read.

  96. @Kevin & Alister Thanks for joining the challenge. It's always interesting to read reactions to Australian women's writing from male readers. I look forward to see what you choose and to read your reviews.

  97. Joining a bit late! But better late than never, right? :-)

  98. Finally adding my details here but yes am taking the challenge and using goodreads as my review platform: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4876235

    In 2011 I read 23 books by Australian women and only 4 by Australian men! The rest were all internationals - so I really hope I can beat last year's record.

  99. I haven't read much Australian women's fiction since my school years, but I hope to mend that in 2012: I'm cautiously signing up as a Stella Dabbler, but hope to upgrade as the year ambles along. Thanks very much for hosting! (My sign-up post is here.)

  100. Going for Dabbler:Casual:Franklin-fantastic.

    Wonderful initiative. Thank you.

  101. Thanks for putting me right on the review listings, Elizabeth. Second book is up (and it's triffic)

  102. Hey guys,

    Thought I'd signed up a week or so ago - signing up again as there's no sign of me on the list. This is a fabulous thing indeed. Gave it a plug on me blog I did:


    Happy reading to all!

  103. Welcome Caitlin, Buried in Print, Shannon and Adam. Hi again, Judi.

    @Caitlin Are you a member of the GoodReads AWW Challenge group? For anyone who is interested the link is: http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/59176.Australian_Women_Writers_Challenge

    @Adam, if you were deleted accidentally, blame me! Mr Linky has taken some getting used to. (I've had to delete for some who put the wrong link.)

    @Judi - saw your 5-star review of Claire Corbette's When We Have Wings & retweeted the link. I met Claire via Twitter & discovered she lives near me in the Blue Mountains. We met up in a bookshop in Leura the other day and she signed a copy of her book for my visitor. Haven't had a chance to read my copy yet.

    I hope to get around to looking at and commenting on people's blogs & reviews, & I encourage everyone to link up with at least one review and post a comment.

    Happy reading & reviewing!

  104. Since I've been laid up since late 2011 with shingles, I've had little opportunity to review, however I have just started reviewing again. As a result, I've started reading the foirst novel, however, as I review poetry for my other blog, and am a poet, I've just posted a review that may be of interest, even if it is ineligible for this challenge (on the basis of a shared genre).

    The URL follows:


  105. I'm in for the Franklin fantastic!

  106. Huh, I thought I'd already added my name.
    Now to add my first review.

  107. I have chosen the 10 x4...and am looking forward to it.. I am also listed as 'Christine'... still working out this system

  108. Made a mistake the first time around... this is the right link. Christine

  109. Just posted my second review, and now reading my third book in the challenge. This is so much fun, it should be illegal! :-)

  110. I'm in for the Franklin Fantastic, though I'm still getting my head around what's required in terms of badges and posting back here. I'm commenting under my Google ID but plan to publish my reviews at The Enthusiast. Cheers, Mel.

  111. Ok, so I've done my first review (no. 52) ... but I didn't fill out the link box properly so it just gives my name and not the title of the book or its genre/form. I've not used Mr Linky before and leapt in before I read the instructions!! I'll get the hang of it.

  112. I'm going for Franklin-fantastic and devoted eclectic! But I've also somehow stuffed up and left the link to my blog post in the reviews section - no. 53 - can it be deleted?

    I'll post a link to a review as soon as I write one!

  113. Just a note, I just recently read "My Place" by Sally Morgan, and couldn't find it as a suggested book under memoir/non-fiction. Worth adding. Also "Almost Perfect", by Kelly Denley

  114. Great idea, looking forward to joining in! (slightly belatedly, but never mind)

  115. Can't believe I've read and reviewed three books this month, and all by Aussie writers! Thanks to AusWomenWriters for motivating me to catch up with my reading and explore Aussie authors for a change!

    My train commutes have come to life... I'll read and review one more book before I catch up with some of my own editing, then read and review some more to complete the challenge.

  116. Whoops! Accidentally added my name to the wrong section. Could you remove it from the Review bit please?

  117. Welcome, Phillip, Lisa, DragonSally, Christine, Mel, Chingpingy, Lucy, Zephan and Amy.

    Welcome back Cat Torres V and Whispering Gums - and thanks for your reviews. We're discussing on Twitter how to set up a AWW Wednesday - encouraging people elect go round to the different blogs, read the reviews and comment. I hope that will take off - especially considering how prolific some of you bloggers are with your reviews!

    Zephan, the shortcoming of the memoir/nonfiction is noted. I'm still hoping for some help with that list and have asked a History journal on Twitter... A comprehensive list would be much appreciated, as would a list of female indigenous authors. In the meantime, I've been directing people to Dr Anita Heiss's BBC Challenge on her blog: http://anitaheissblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/anitas-bbc-black-book-choice-reading.html

    Anyone who has the time to go through Anita's list for the women writers, please feel free!

    Amy, I'll clear up any mistakes. Anyone who puts something in the wrong box, just re-enter correctly and I'll delete the old one. It gets easier!

    Looking forward to getting the time to read and tweet links to more reviews.

  118. Loving the chance to reignite my passion for Australian women's writing and also to reboot my blog. Great initiative and I look forward to learning and reading more from the wonderful network of readers and writers here. I'll be ambitious and aim for devoted eclectic and Franklin-fantastic!

    1. Welcome, terriv! Glad to see some ambition. Are you on Twitter? If so, please ping @Auswomenwriters with your reviews once they're done. :)

  119. Bugger. I posted the link to the first review under the Sign Up list instead of the Post Review list. I thought I had the right widget lined up, but obviously not. Any chance you guys can delete it from the wrong list?

    Apart from my inability to correctly post a link - I've actually finsihed two books for the challenge already, and the second review will be posted on Thursday. I've started my third book, a non fiction title. I suspect I'll get through my nominated 10 books within a few months, so I'll keep reading and posting after that event as well.

  120. Just left another review. I think I might be a smouldering fire.

  121. Just added my first AWW review, Shift by Em Bailey. Brilliant read!

  122. My first review! I´ll be back soon!

  123. Challenge participants: We're going to start a "Australian Women Writers on Wednesdays" circle, where people go round to visit and comment on other participants' blogs and reviews. If you're on Twitter you can follow the conversation on the #AWW2012 hashtag.

    There are already so many reviews to choose from! Any chance people could start writing the genre of the book they have reviewed to make it easier for others to find reviews that interest them? "Title by Author (genre, rev. by You)" - if it fits in Mr Linky's prescribed number of characters.

    @Narelle No problem! Any mistakes you make, just re-enter correctly (if you haven't done so already) and the old one will be deleted. Finished two books already - I really should have upped the challenge levels!! Glad you're intending to stick with the challenge beyond your stated target.

    @Dragonsally: love your enthusiasm!

    @Nicola Thanks for taking the time to read and review Em Bailey's book. If you do a longer review/article that you would like featured on the AWW blog (once that part is up and running) please email or ping me on Twitter (@elizabethlhuede or @auswomenwriters). Great to have the support of talented AWW of all genres!

    Ann-Marie!! Glad you loved Sulari's book. Hope you like Claire Corbett's When We Have Wings, as well - and the others you discovered when you were here.

    Happy reading & reviewing, all.

  124. My reviews number 1 & 2 are number 100 and 101! How fun!

  125. Hi Elizabeth !
    Went too far in the list and added my review in the complete section... could you remove it ?
    Sorry about that !

    1. Done! Did you use the new entry form (top of page) or the old Mr Linky?

  126. Hi Elizabeth,

    I always thought I'd joined this, but it was something on Goodreads instead, in which I'd challenged myself to read 100 books for the year. So, better late than never - here I am.

    All the best

    1. Welcome, Wendy. We have an AWW group for the challenge in GoodReads, too. You can link your reviews there as well.

  127. What a wonderful response to this Challenge. As an author busy with my own writing, all I could manage was a handful of reviews. But it was very interesting to read those of others, and to appreciate the wealth of talent within our woman writers.:)

  128. I used the new Google form to add my latest AWW review (http://lizabelle.dreamwidth.org/11455.html) on Saturday, but it doesn't seem to have turned up yet. Apologies if I'm missing anything, and perhaps I did something wrong, but I thought I'd give you a heads up.

    Thanks as always for all your efforts with this project!

    1. Hi Lizabelle.

      Thanks for the heads up and your patience with the new system.

      You've done nothing wrong. It's my fault for not explaining the change - we're still working this out.

      The new system doesn't make the links appear on this page. Instead, the Google form records the entries on a spreadsheet.

      It is embedded on the new AWW Wordpress site (which we'll be shifting to some time in November) and also can be seen as a Google Doc form here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmeixSiX9c-BdDZfR2oyRDBfa0NCcUZqTXRmMHNjNXc#gid=0

      The entry for your review of Raw Blue does appear as item 1178, way down the list.

      This system isn't as obvious as Mr Linky, but the spreadsheet is searchable. It is also enabling us to create a database which we'll post on the new site once it's up and running. (We hope.)

      Thanks for your contribution. :)

    2. Thanks for explaining, Elizabeth - that makes sense, of course. And ooh, that searchable google doc could be very dangerous in enabling my magpie-like reading!

    3. The one on the website should be great, too - sorted by genre and with book covers. It's going to be fantastic. :)

  129. Woo! Less than two months left in the year, and a zillion reviews to write. Glad I've finally joined in on the fun!
